The purpose of the buttons on the calculator
1. “AC” or “CA”: Clear all, clear all the content entered into the calculator to 0.
2. “C” or “CE”: cancel key to clear the content entered in the previous step.
For example, when “1+2” is mistakenly entered as “1+3”, press “C” and then enter “2”.
3. “M+”: When doing addition operation, let the calculator remember the addition.
4. “M-“: When doing subtraction calculations, let the calculator remember the subtraction.
5. “MR”: memory recall, read the stored content key, used to display the calculation results up to that time.
6. “MC”: memory clear, delete the content saved by the memory key.
7. “MRC”: “MR” and “MC” are combined, click the function as “MR”, and double-click the function as “MC”.
For example, to calculate “1*2-2*3”, operate in the following order: 1*2, M+, 2*3, M-, MR.
8. “GT”: grandtotal, the total value key, the sum of the total number of numbers obtained after pressing the equal sign.
For example, “10*2+5*5”, operate in the following order: 10*2=, 5*5=, GT.
9. “MU”: mark-up and mark-down, to calculate interest rates and tax rates.
The method of use is as follows:
What is the purpose of the buttons on the calculator
1. Addition: A+B MU, the calculation formula is: 100+A÷B×100;
2. Subtraction: A-B MU, often used to calculate the rate of change, the calculation formula is: (A-B)÷B×100;
3. Multiplication: A×B MU, often used in the calculation of mark-ups, the calculation formula is: A+A×B%;
4. Division: A÷B MU, often used in the calculation of the price, the calculation formula is: A÷(1-B%), when you press the MU button again, you can get the profit value, the formula is: A÷(1-B %)-A.